Lou Lipsitz was born and grew up in Brooklyn, NY, within sight of the night game lights at the Dodgers’ famous (and long defunct) Ebbets Field. He attended the University of Chicago and Yale University, where he earned degrees in Political Science. However, it was always his intention to become a writer.
Over the years, his poetry has appeared in many anthologies, including some used in college and high school literature classes; and also anthologies published in Germany, Australia and India. Read Lou's full bio here.
If This World Falls Apart
Lou's most recent book, IF THIS WORLD FALLS APART, won the 2010 Blue Lynx Prize, awarded in an annual competition by Lynx House Press of Spokane, WA. He is currently working on a new book of poems about the process of psychotherapy as seen by both patient and therapist.
Have a ____ day
Why Baseball Doesn't Matter
Seeking the Hook
SEEKING THE HOOK, appeared in 1997. In this book, his involvement in the men’s movement was markedly evident. Many of the poems explore the emotional consequences of father/child relationships and issues of grief, anger and comradeship so significant in men’s lives.
Seeking the Hook
Song of the Divorced Father
Meeting my Son at the Airport
Cold Water
Lou's first book of poems, COLD WATER, was published by Wesleyan University Press in 1967. He was active in the anti-Vietnam war movement and wrote many political poems during this period.
Cold Water
To a Fighter Killed in the Ring
Reflections on Samson
REFLECTIONS ON SAMSON was published by George Hitchcock’s kayak press of Santa Cruz, CA, famous for publishing surrealist poetry and for its original collages.
Reflections on Samson
Lou Lipsitz reading selections from If This World Falls Apart at Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill in May 2011. Lou is accompanied by the musician Gregory Blaine. The reading lasts 48 minutes and the scroll bar in the video can be used to skip to desired places within the reading.
Photo and Art Credits:
Book Covers
Cold Water - Van Saun
Reflections on Samson - Collage and design, Philip Kuznicki
Seeking the Hook - Steve Bly; www.blyphoto.com
If This World Falls Apart, photo by the author
Jerry Uelsmann for “Reflections on Samson” (desk), from his book
PHOTO SYNTHESIS. See www.uelsmann.net
Claire Flanders, “Reflections on Samson” (cartwheel) Her photos combined with the provocative words of Sheldon Kopp can be found in their out of print book, What Took You So Long?
John Rosenthal for “To A Fighter Killed in the Ring” see his book, Regarding Manhattan and his website www.johnrosenthal.com
Philip Kuznicki for “Seeking the Hook” paper-cut creation